Product Overview
White teas have come into their own in the past few years. Prized for their antioxidants and many health benefits, these teas are now becoming more and more popular. In China they are known for their cooling properties and for stimulating the intestinal tract. These are light teas containing a preponderance of buds, typically manufactured early in the year. Silver Tips and Silver Needles are the top grade of white teas. It is also the tea after which our website is named.
White teas have come into their own in the past few years. Prized for their antioxidants and many health benefits, these teas are now becoming more and more popular. In China they are known for their cooling properties and for stimulating the intestinal tract. These are light teas containing a preponderance of buds, typically manufactured early in the year. Silver Tips and Silver Needles are the top grade of white teas. It is also the tea after which our website is named.