Jal Bindu Agrotech

Vadodara, Gujarat, India

24th Year
Home Jal Bindu Agrotech

Contact Person Mr. Vinodbhai Samjubhai Patel

Address19, Chitocakut Complex, Near Channi Canal, Chhani Jakatnaka, Vadodara, Gujarat, 390002, India

Established in 2001 , Jal Bindu Agrotech has made a name for itself in the list of top service providers of agricultural irrigation system in country. Jal Bindu Agrotech is listed in Trade India's list of verified companies offering wide array of Agriculture Irrigation System etc. Contact here for agricultural irrigation system in Vadodara, Gujarat.

Jal Bindu Agrotech Services

For the complete satisfaction of the customers, we, Jal Bindu Agrotech are engaged in offering satisfactory range of agricultural irrigation system etc. The company is based in Vadodara, ('India',), and has served many clients with their services.

Basic Information

Business Type Service Provider, Supplier, Trading Company
Employee Count 4
Establishment 2001
Working Days Monday to Sunday
Payment Mode
Certification ISO 9000-2000
Annual Turnover Rs 35 Crores