Sri Omganesha Trades

Arcot, Tamil Nadu, India

18th Year
Home Sri Omganesha Trades

Established in 2007 , SRI OMGANESHA TRADES has made a name for itself in the list of top suppliers of boiled rice ,basmati rice ,ponni rice in India. The supplier company is located in Arcot, Tamil Nadu and is one of the leading sellers of listed products.SRI OMGANESHA TRADES is listed in Trade India's list of verified sellers offering supreme quality of Boiled Rice ,Basmati Raw Rice ,White Ponni Rice etc. Buy boiled rice ,basmati rice ,ponni rice in bulk from us for the best quality products and service.

Sri Omganesha Trades Services

Established in 2007, we, Sri Omganesha Trades are well known Exporter and Supplier and Trading Company of boiled rice, basmati rice etc. Sri Omganesha Trades is well known for the best quality products and service from Arcot

Basic Information

Business Type Exporter, Supplier, Trading Company
Working Days Monday to Sunday
Payment Mode
Employee Count 4661
Establishment 2007
Certification ISO 9001:2000
Annual Turnover Rs 876734343 Lakhs